Licensees : |
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1841 |
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1871 - *
1877 |
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In 1859 William Reeve was named as owner of a farm called The Banks
Of Clay. A carter named Cousins had collected a consignment of 125
coombs of wheat for a Mr. Judd, the cartage of which had not been
paid. The offence was said to have taken place in 1854. Owing to the
time taken for the event to come to court, His honour felt bound to
conclude that the claim was a got-up one and the judgement was in
favour of Mr. Judd.

1910 - Lilly Heanes, nee Means, daughter of last
By this time the house has apparently ceased trading as a beerhouse.
The property was owned by James William Means by 1929 to at least 1933.
However by 1937 he was living at Laurel House. Had the Banks Of Clay been
renamed or had it been demolished at about that time?
Created to serve the navvies digging the Middle Level Drain.
Existed from c1850 - c1900