Royal Hotel
NORWICH LICENCE REGISTERS PS 1/8/1 to PS 1/8/2 (1867-1925)
Exors. of WILLIAM BUTCHER Frederick Thomas Keith & Frederick Grimmer - 1878- 1878
Licensees :
age 35 in 1841
1841 - 1843
(At Cafe Royal 1842)
by 1845
(late of the Royal Hotel, Hull)
from 1846 - 1850
Age 36
(* Victim of theft of 3 teaspoons Oct 1851)
Went to DUKES HEAD and QUEENS HOTEL, Yarmouth, about September 1861
1851 - 1861
GEORGE WELD (Wild ?) 1861
CHARLES STATES prop 1861 - 1863
Mrs G. WARWICK 1865
WILLIAM BUTCHER junior by 1867
(Miss Mary Dennis manager) (1868 - 1869)

* On Tuesday 14th October 1851, 18 year old Thomas Hall was found guilty of having stolen three teaspoons, the property of Mr. Heseltine.
Previously sentenced to transportation and had since been several times in custody, he was again sentenced to be transported for ten years.

Built on the site of the ANGEL (15thC to 8th July 1840).

Advertised 17th July 1841 that the New Building would be ready for the Reception of the Nobility, Gentry and the Public during the ensuing Assizes. Turtle and Venison to be available daily during the Assizes.

Advertised 16th October 1841 by Mr. Moore as re-built and complete in all its arrangements. It was to be noticed that Servants at the Hotel were Prohibited from receiving gratuities, their Attendance being Charged for by the Proprietor.

Advertised in 1842 by R. Moore as being rebuilt and furnished throughout in superior style.
Included a Coffee Room constantly supplied by London Morning & Evening newspapers.
It commanded an uninterrupted view of the Market Square on one side and from the other the Castle `is seen rising majestically from the hill'.
`To prevent the application of Servants to the Patrons of this Establishment for Fees, the charge for their attendance will be found annexed to the bill.'


On Monday 2nd January 1843, William Brock, boots at the inn, was charged by Mr. Moore of stealing £5 10s from a cash box . The crime was not proved and Mr. Brock was discharged.
Mr. Moore said he would definitely not take Brock back into his service.


4th July 1845 - Mr. C. Butcher announced that with the Opening of the Norfolk Railway, Omnibuses would run between the Hotel and the Railway Station to meet every train.

William Butcher of Theatre Street, advised 26th November 1846 that having disposed of the business he would look forward to settlement of outstanding accounts by 24th December next.
` With thanks for your support, I have great pleasure in recommending my Successor, Mr Samuel Howlett for whom I beg to solicit a continuance of your kind patronage to the Establishment..... '

In November 1851 the Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway appointed Mr. Spanton of the BELL HOTEL to provide Omnibuses, Cabs, &c. for conveying Passengers to and from the Stations - November 1851.
The Proprietors of the NORFOLK HOTEL and the ROYAL HOTEL informed that, notwithstanding recent arrangements made by the Eastern Counties Railway Company, they would continue to convey passengers at the usual fares. They also stated that although they would no longer be able to stand in the Station Yard, they would await outside the Station Gates and convey to any part of the City, Free of Charge.

Thanking his customers for their patronage since he entered the Establishment, James Hesletine fixed Tuesday 17th February 1852 as the date of his Opening Dinner. The event to be attended by Charles Winter Esq., Mayor of Norwich. The Dinner would be served at six precisely and tickets at 12s. 6d. each would be available at the Bar of the Hotel.

On Tuesday 23rd October 1860 the Furniture and other Effects of 45 Sleeping Rooms and 11 Sitting Rooms were offered for sale by auction.
40 Paintings by the Old Masters were included as well as beds, linen, carpets, curtains, tables, chairs, etc., etc.
The Hotel to remain open and Business would carry on as usual.

On 19th October 1861 Charles States announced that he had become the proprietor and that the hotel had undergone entire renovation.
Ladies and Gentlemen were solicited to attend the New Coffee Room.

Charles States announced 2nd November 1861 that the New Coffee Room, conducted on the Restaurant principle, was being patronised by nearly 200 customers per day.

In court Friday 24th July 1863, solicitor Mr. T. M. Wilkin of Lynn, claimed that he had been overcharged £21 19s 11d on his hotel bill incurred during a case tried in the Spring Assizes. The booking was for a private sitting room and bedrooms for Mr. Wilkin, Sir John Rennie, Sir John M'Neill and other gentlemen, ten in all. Arrival was on Tuesday 31st March and departure on Tuesday 7th April.
The entire bill was £90 8s 11d.
Breakfasts had been charged at 2s 6d and 3s 6d a head; Dinners at 6s, which included every delicacy including turtle soup; 10s for a bottle of wine; and 5s for a bed. (The wine had cost proprietor Charles States between £5 and £5 10s a dozen)
It was claimed that over the previous 10 years Mr. Wilkin had paid similar bills without complaint. Only witness Mr. Porter, of the BOWLING GREEN HOTEL, said that he thought the charges quite reasonable.
The judgement was that Mr. Wilkin had not proven his case and was liable to pay the full account. He also had to pay the court costs.

To be Sold by Auction August 1876, unless sold beforehand by private contract, by order of the Executors of the late William Butcher Esq.

Advertised 1879 as a Family & Commercial Hotel.

For Sale by Auction Saturday 8th July 1882.
Featuring a Gentleman's coffee-room and one for the Ladies, or Restaurant, commercial-room, bar, smoking-room, inner-bar, manager's room, ante-room, noble Assembly-room, 54 feet by 27 feet, excellent billiard-room for two tables, smoking and porter-room, stock-room, luggage-room, waiter's room and plate pantry, twelve entertaining and forty bed-rooms, with bath-room, laundry, housemaids closets and rooms, lavatories and w.c. Spacious and well-fitted kitchens, servants' hall, larder, still-room and extensive cellarage for wine, spirits, ale and coals, large Yard, in which are Carriage-houses and stabling for thirty-five horses, with loft over same; A Dwelling-house, Tap and Corner Shop and Dwelling-house fronting Castle Street and the Yard with warehouses and Cellar, formerly part of the WHITE LION INN, with Coach entrance to White Lion Street.

As at 24 Market Place 1890.

An undertaking was given 21st August 1896 to close this house on completion and opening of a new hotel, in the course of construction, for which a provisional licence was granted the same day.
See Bank Plain.

See also the ROYAL HOTEL VAULTS, also known as the
ROYAL HOTEL TAP which appears to have operated under the same licence.


House no. 141 on 1845 Magistrates list